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Service Charges

Services to Brokers, Custodians and Market Makers



Infrastructure and Software Services to Brokers

  • Information and communication technology services (e.g. assisting Brokers to set up systems to enable direct access to the CSD) Software and Systems Maintenance for Brokers including helpdesk services

CSD and Back Office Operation Services

  • Liquidity and Exposure management 
  • Administration of clients data (validation, verification, authorisation, modification, etc)
  • Client queries
  • Risk Management to ensure compliance with the Rules and Regulations governing Participants’ operations including professional audits.
  • Provision of stationary such as account opening forms etc.

Income levy from Custodian Banks and Market Makers is increased from P12,000 to P24,000 per annum payable at the beginning of the year.

A P6,000 per annum shall be levied from Brokers for services provided.  

Trade statistics and historical data (e.g. trading activity report) P250 per report

Value added services

  • Freezing, unfreezing of securities as per request by the investor
P200 per request
Current charges levied by CSDB remain unchanged and are as follows 

  • 0.12% as transaction fees (for equities) levied from investors i.e. both buyers and sellers. 
  • P6.40 as transaction fee for trades up to the value of P50,000 and 0.128% for transactions in excess of P50,000 on ETFs (NewGold and BettaBeta)
  • Levy of P5 per transaction subject to a Floor of P10,000 and a Cap of P15,000 per annum charged from Listed Companies on account of transactions that settle through the CSD System
  • P100 levy for withdrawal of securities from the CSD System charged from investors
  • P50 levy for transfers of securities within the CSD system levied from the transferor
  • P25 levy for reallocation of trade within the CSD system levied from the trader


Services to Listed Companies and Nominated Transfer Secretaries (NTS)



Infrastructure and Software Services for NTS

  • Information and communication technology services (e.g. assisting participants to set up system to enable the direct access to the CSD)Software and Systems Maintenance for participants including helpdesk services

CSD and Back Office Operation Services

  • Administration of client data (validation, verification and modification of client information
  • Investor queries
A charge of P6,000 per annum shall be levied from the NTS’s for services provided.  
Trade statistics and historical data (e.g. trading activity & top shareholders reports etc) P250 per report

Allotment of securities at IPO Stage & Subsequent issues

  • Direct Upload (this includes upload exceptions)
P3,000 per upload
Stock Splits P2,500

Corporate Actions

  • Upload of Bonus Issues
  • Upload of Rights Issues
P2,500 per upload
Termination of the contract with CSDB subsequent to a delisting on the BSE P50 per investor subject to a minimum of P10,000 and a maximum of P25,000
Current charges levied by CSDB remain unchanged and are as follows 

  • 0.12% as transaction fees (for equities) levied from investors i.e. both buyers and sellers. 
  • P6.40 as transaction fee for trades up to the value of P50,000 and 0.128% for transactions in excess of P50,000 on ETFs (NewGold and BettaBeta)
  • Levy of P5 per transaction subject to a Floor of P10,000 and a Cap of P15,000 per annum charged from Listed Companies on account of transactions that settle through the CSD System
  • P100 levy for withdrawal of securities from the CSD System charged from investors
  • P50 levy for transfers of securities within the CSD system levied from the transferor
  • P25 levy for reallocation of trade within the CSD system levied from the trader